George I. Sanchez Elementary

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Mrs. Jasmine Tang » Hello!


Welcome to the new 2017-2018 school year! It's going to be a fantastic years full of new friends, new adventures, and new discoveries. Let's make this year an incredible year!
Background and Education
This will be my 19th year teaching at Sanchez School. I have a BA in Child Development and a MA Education with an emphasis in New Media Design and Production.
My Favorites and Interests
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I like to exercise, read, and learn how to cook healthy meals. I like to eat at Japanese ramen restaurants.
Classroom Expectation
I expect my students to come to school with a ready to learn attitude. They should see learning is fun. It makes them strong and smart. Students need to be respectful to other students and staff. My students should know that they are accountable for their learning and the choices that they make. They will always try their best on every assignment given to them.