George I. Sanchez Elementary

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The Sánchez Elementary office is open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.


Daily 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.


Please do not drop off children prior to 7:50 am and
please pick up students promptly after school.


    • 7:50 Breakfast
    • 8:05 Enter campus
    • 8:15 Pledge of Allegiance
    • 8:20 Class Begins
    • 8:35 ELD/LA
    • 9:20 RtI Interventions
    • 2:35 Dismissal



  • 1:35 Dismissal


Immediately upon arriving at school by car or walking, students are to pass through the gates and onto the main campus. They are to remain no campus until the close of school. LOITERING is not permitted anywhere on the way to or from school. Parents: Please do not drive in to drop off or pick- up students in parking lot. Please use crosswalk.


Student visitors are not allowed on campus during the school day. Adult visitors must check in with the office immediately upon arriving on campus and show a valid ID. All visitors are expected to leave promptly when their business is completed.


Regular attendance is one of the most important requirements for a successful school year. All students are required to attend school daily on time according to California State Law. The only exceptions for absence from school are personal illness, medical necessity, funeral service for a member of the immediate family, court subpoena, or family emergency (over which there is no control). When absent call school as soon as possible at (626) 307-3368. Students MUST bring a note from their parent or legal guardian confirming absence or student will be considered truant and assigned Saturday School.


Medical /dental appointments should be scheduled for after school. Parents MUST come to the Office to sign students out for medical, dental, or other appointments that require students to leave school. Students must return with a note from the doctor.


Students who move or change telephone numbers must inform the office immediately. For emergency reasons it is important to keep information up to date.


Sánchez Elementary students will follow the Garvey School District Mandatory Uniform Policy.

Boys: Dark blue uniform pants or walking shorts and a white collared shirt or school spirit shirt.

Girls: Dark blue pants, jumpers, skorts, skirts, or walking shorts and a white collared shirt or blouse.

No Jeans, baggy oversized pants, revealing blouses, belts with initials or any apparel that is inappropriate to Sanchez School standards.

Underlying Guideline: Nothing may ever be dirty, dangerous or distracting to the educational process.

NOTE: If student arrives to school dressed inappropriately, parents will be notified by phone to bring the appropriate uniform attire immediately.


Make our school a better place. Get involved in your child's education. BE A VOLUNTEER!


  • A single 5 second bell………………Regular Bell
  • A single 1 minute bell………….Lock Down Drill
  • 12 series of 3 or 4 rings each………Evacuation
  • A single 30 second bell………………..All Clear


In the event of an earthquake, students should immediately find shelter beneath their desk or other protective covering and protect the back of their neck with their arms and hands. Remain in this position until appropriate school personnel have announced an ALL-CLEAR call. Books are to be left in the classroom. No talking or running in the course of a drill situation.


In the case of a fire or other emergency, the signal to evacuate the building will be intermittent sounding of the fire bell. There is an evacuation plan posted in each classroom. Teachers will instruct students regarding specific procedures and necessary safety precautions. No talking or running in the course of a drill situation.


All textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year. Students and their parents are financially responsible for all books and supplies issued to them. Textbooks are to be handled carefully, kept covered at all times, and clean of stray marks or graffiti. If any textbook is damaged, lost or stolen, the responsibility for replacement and/or assessed fees for amount of damage belong to the students and/or child's parent or guardian.


I realize that my education is important to me.  It helps me to develop the tools I need in order to become a creative, talented leader and productive member of my community.  I also understand my parents and school staff want me to do my best in school.  I know I am expected to succeed and be responsible for my own learning. Therefore, I must work hard to meet the following responsibilities:


  • I will have a positive attitude.
  • I will be responsible for my own behavior.
  • I will be a cooperative learner.
  • I will interact with teachers and peers with respect.
  • I will complete and turn in my class and homework assignments on time.
  • I will utilize the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


I realize that my child’s school years are very important, and I understand that my participation in my child’s education will help his or her achievement and attitude.  Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities:

  • I will ensure that my child attends school regularly and on time.
  • I will provide a quiet place for my child to study.
  • I will guarantee that my child sleeps no later than 8:30 p.m.
  • I will attend Title I Parent Meetings.
  • I will converse, read, or write with my child everyday.
  • I will monitor and assist with my child’s homework completion and sign the agenda/homework folder.
  • I will volunteer at least one day and/or contribute goods or services.
  • I will attend parent meetings.
  • I will implement and practice the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  • I will provide my child with healthy meals on a daily basis and promote an active lifestyle.


I understand the importance of the school experience to every Title I student and my role as a teacher and model.  Therefore, to improve student achievement I agree to carry out the following:


  • I will provide standards-based quality 1st teaching in all subject areas with clearly articulated objectives.
  • I will implement the school improvement programs and services as described in the school plan.
  • I will provide explicit direct instruction.
  • I will match instruction to students needs based on diagnostic data and on-going assessments.
  • I will utilize a variety of research-based teaching techniques and strategies.
  • I will provide developmental, well-designed, sequential learning activities.
  • I will support students with special needs.
  • I will provide an asset rich, safe learning environment.
  • I will integrate and model the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


  • BE HERE. Successful people go to work regularly. They tend to work longer hours than less successful people. Remember, right now going to school is your work.
  • BE ON TIME. People who are successful get to where they are going on time. Others count on them to be where they say they are going to be when they say they are going to be there.
  • BE FRIENDLY. Successful people become successful because they help and are supportive of each other. Successful people build or create. To be friendly is to accept the differences of others.
  • BE POLITE. Be courteous. Successful people are polite people. They know that other people help them to be successful so they teat each other with respect. They listen when others are talking. They wait their turn. They consider the feelings of others. They wait to be called on in class.
  • BE PREPARED. Bring your tools and supplies to class. Successful people take good care of their equipment and they have the equipment they need when they go to work.
  • BE A LISTENER. Successful people listen to instructions and follow directions. By listening, successful people hear what others need so they can cooperate for success.
  • BE A DOER. Do your work the best you can. Successful people are doers. They know the more they do the more they will know how to do.
  • BE A TOUGH WORKER. Keep trying. Successful people keep working even when things get difficult. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Tough times never last but tough people do.
  • BE A RISK TAKER. Show courage. Stick your neck out. Ask questions. Successful people run the risk of failure because they know that sooner or later they will succeed.
  • BE A SUCCESS. Successful people are achievers. They complete their projects, turn them in on time and feel good when they have finished their work.


  • Be respectful of other persons and their property.
  • Be responsible for behavior to, in and from school.
  • Be on time for school and classes.
  • Stay and play in designated areas.
  • Play games according to the rules.
  • Use only school equipment for play at school.
  • Use restrooms and drinking fountains for intended purposes only.
  • Use good manners in the cafeteria. 9. No eating food or chewing gum on campus.
  • No bicycles or skateboards allowed on campus.
  • Keep the school clean and beautiful.
  • Leave school on time.


  • Listen carefully and follow directions.
  • Speak to and treat others with respect.
  • No fighting allowed.
  • Complete all assignments neatly and on time.
  • Raise hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
  • Work quietly in assigned seat (area).
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to self.


The purpose of the Honor Roll Club is to pursue excellence through recognition of academic achievement, good citizenship and regular attendance.

Students are rewarded each trimester they qualify for the Honor Roll Club. If a student is a member of the Honor Roll Club for the three trimesters, he/she will receive a special award at the end of the year.

Honor Roll Qualifications

  • Attend school daily and arrive on time.
  • Recommendation of Teacher.
  • Be a model citizen in behavior.

Honor Roll

Maintain at least a 3 average in all subjects and a minimum total of 43 of a possible 48 total.

Principal's Honor Roll

Maintain a 4 average or 47 of a possible 48 total.


Students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades who meet the academic and citizenship requirements may serve as student body officers. They are elected at the beginning of the school year and serve a one-year term until June. The student council meets once a week under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The students coordinate intramural activities, fundraisers, and other special activities and projects.

Through the student council representatives, each student will have a voice in decisions concerning curriculum, school policy, activities, social events, student welfare, student conduct, and many other factors of school life. The council will serve as a tool through which students, teachers, and administrators can express concern over the issues which affect the school.


The computer lab is for serious work with computers. Please refrain from talking loud in the lab. Make sure you enter and exit the lab according to the normal procedures. In order to have access to the Internet, you must first have parental permission.

Please make sure your teacher has a permission slip on file. Students should not surf the net and should only be on sites that have been authorized by the teacher or lab technician. There is no candy or drinks allowed in the lab. Please do not save your personal documents/files on the desktop computers. Please save all your work on your floppy disk.

If you do not know how to save your work, please ask for help. If you do not follow the rules of the computer lab, your lab privileges will be suspended.


Fundraising projects are necessary and provide more educational opportunities and supplies, which enhance our educational programs. We ask that all families participate in our fundraising activities.


  • Start each day right; a calm beginning at home makes the school day much better.
  • Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and lunch. Make certain that your child sleeps at least eight hours each night.
  • Praise your child each day for something he/she has done. Have a special place to put your child's schoolwork or whatever is brought home.
  • Laugh and talk with your child about school experiences and listen attentively to what is said about your child's school day.
  • Stress attendance. If the child is ill, home is the best place; otherwise, your child needs to take advantage of every school day.
  • Keep the lines of communication open between yourself and your child's teacher. Inform the teacher of any family situation, which could influence your child's behavior. Also, if he/she is reluctant to go to school, let the teacher know so that together you can find the reason.
  • Take your child to the library and encourage reading for pleasure.
  • Stress organization of school notebooks, materials, etc.
  • Work at home with skills taught at school.



PTA invites you to join us to make a difference in the education and quality of life for all children, especially your child(ren). We realize how important your children are to you. Our PTA can help you achieve that. We all know children learn more and have better lives when parents, faculty, school staff, students and the community work together. We meet monthly and encourage your participation at any of our meetings. You can join the Sánchez Elementary PTA by simply returning the membership dues in the envelope provided by the teachers. We make a difference. Please feel free to contact the PTA through the Principal's Office. Welcome to Sánchez Elementary.


Remember!! Sánchez Students earn Eagle dollars to redeem prizes each month. Teachers will give dollars, as he/she deems appropriate in the area of academics or behavior. Collect dollars to use at student store at the end of every month. Don't be left out.

Have a fantastic school year and remember to read daily!